Monday, December 27, 2010

Preparing for 2011

I have ultra-high hopes for the coming year and am going to try to be a less procastinative version of myself.  I met my writing goal for the weekend and promise to be very strict with myself on doing that for the weeks to come.

 My YA thriller Agents of Evil is coming along nicely.  I am not sure quite yet if I am going to start off publishing with that or if I am going to wait until I finish one or two books in the vampires series I want to write afterward.  I am already working on the outline for it, but I am trying to stay focused and not get ahead of myself.

I recently bought J.A. Konrath's book The Newbie's Guide to Publishing, and have found it to be very helpful.  A lot of the quirks of writers, or shall I say flaws, I thought to be only my own, are actually very common. Misery loves company and it is good to know that I am not alone in this struggle.  You can find lots of information available on his blog, by clicking this link.

I have also started reading Into the Shadows  by Karly Kirkpatrick and will post my review on it as soon as I finish. So far I like it.  You can check out her book on her blog, by clicking this link.

Signing off now, please check back for updates and recommend my next book for review.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!  I am going to put my writing into overtime in the coming weeks, so wish me luck!

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Review and other news

I finished reading Amanda Hocking's Hollowland book last night. I have to admit it turned out better then I thought it would. After the first couple chapters I wasn't inspired to continue the journey through the zombie apocalypse with survivor Remy and her group of companions, but I'm a sucker for "end-of-the-world" stories. Although character personalities developed slowly, they did develop and some grew to be quite like-able. The ending was not typical and not a "campy" happy ending either, which I enjoyed. I would recommend this book as a quick read to anyone who enjoys some good zombie bashing, although I would have enjoyed some more action myself. I found the editing work in this book to be of much higher caliber then in the Trylle Trilogy, which thrilled me to no end. All in all, I give this book 3 stars.

Please recommend the next book for me to read, as long as it from an indie author.

On another note, my first book is on schedule for its Spring 2011 release. I am currently looking for any recommendations for a cover artist, or any tips on creating my own cover. I am very artistic and believe I would very much enjoy creating my first cover.

To all indie authors out there, join my blog and I'll join yours. Let us unite and spread the word of our books through the eWorld.

I am signing off now, God speed and good day to you all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On The Hunt

I have been feeling much like a forager as of late. Roaming the internet for any information I can find, hoping for insight and advice where ever I can find it.  I have been successful to find bloggers with chronicled information, such as J.A. Konrath who writes about self-published writer Amanda Hocking, but I have yet to find a "community" of writers who support each other. I still feel that I have not been as lucky as I had hoped I would. I came into this with my heart on my sleeve, thinking that the world of indie writers and ebooks would be a lot more welcoming then the main stream. I have been snubbed by all the authors I have reached out to so far, but I won't let this hold me back. As frustrated as I am, I will push forward, but I promise that in the future, I will welcome any fellow author that is new to this realm of writing, with open arms.  I hope I can inspire more to do the same.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beginning A Journey

I welcome you to join me on this roller coaster of self publication. I expect the the most twists, turns and flips to happen at the beginning, but I hope the ride starts to settle as time goes by.  The first book in the series will take you on a terrifying adventure, that you've never been on before.  Please follow me as I expose more details in the coming months.